• A division of Alfred Teves Brake System PTY LTD

Nigel Secondary School Motivation Day

21 Feb 2019

Nigel Secondary School Motivation Day - Event Information

Supreme Spring kept the school children of Nigel Secondary very motivated with that help of our esteemed associate Warrior Ric, Famous for his team building in adventure races around the country. Supreme Spring always keeping interest in the local community involved in many other activities to keep our kids in the right direction and arming them for the real world out there. As the pics reveal "a million stories", the day was very event full and the children were really excited to have us on their turf. Supported form our senior management our MD Mr. Mark Barley was present at the event adding that we are serious about the future of our children and actually the future of our country.

This event was initiated by employees of Supreme Spring that has found the need to generate positive energy in this school. Mohammed Moola and Michael Modise were the Supreme Spring Ambassadors to involve the company in this important initiative in caring for our young ones. Well done gents!!!

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